Since today is such a nice date , i'll blog ! haha. 20.10.2010 hopes you saw that Mr. Weihao Soh. :)
I remember i was trying to help him pack his cash into his wallet one day. he always got this bad habit of throwing everything at his bed when he gets home making his bed all so messy. lols.
so i took the cash and his porter pouch , trying to put everything into his porter pouch.
when opening his porter pouch , i saw he got one singtel hi-card still unused at the inner compartment of his pouch. so i asked......
me : how come you got new hi-card? use for what & why never tell me about it?
dear : tell you for what? it's for my own work thing.
me : your work thing you cannot tell me?
dear : if i tell you then you go tell other people how i catch things.
me : okay lohhh , whatever since you don't trust me. -.-
i put away his that new hi-card and i memorise the number with one glance. i don't know why i'm always kinda good at number and so i just remember the number. got one feeling telling me that he using that card to test me want.
true enough , he msged me with that number !!!! -.-
quite shock that he still does that but maybe he thought i never go and see the number behind. lols. silly him....
anyway , although i already know it's him , i still played along. :x
hiakhiak ~ wants to see what he's up to mah. lols.
so he use that number msg me saying something very "bo liao" want. normally when i receive text from unknown , i will ask who is it. and if the person got so "bo liao" ask me to guess this , guess that or don't want to tell me or say someone whom i don't know , i will ignore but since for this case it's him , i just play along and reply. lols.
once he used that number msg me , i straight away msg him to his own number already. i msg him something like , "eh dear ! got one unknown number msg me sia. so boliao.... *then continue msging what is going on with the unknkown number and me*"
dear : is it? then what you reply?
i feel like pinching his cheek real hard. soooo cute lah him. still can act blur ask me what i reply.
-.- lols !
the he suddenly used his hi-card number msg me calling me dear. -.-
so i replied the hi-card number : dear ?! who's your dear man? you're my boyfriend?
something like that or similar in a way or two. just damn funny. the conversation between me and him. damn joke !
our msg goes on for days if i'm not wrong. then finally i cannot take it already and i msg to the hi-card number saying i know it's him ! lols.
dear : cb , you know already then still reply me. you think funny ah.
me : jiu shi think funny then continue play with you want mah.
dear : how you know sia?
me : secret. :p don't always think of you so clever how to catch me. sometimes i also clever but act stupid nia ~
dear : i know ah. i know you very clever but always act stupid.
me : no lahhh , actually i really quite stupid , it's just luck that i know your secret number. haha.
hahahahahahahahaha. that's one of his way trying to catch whether i "diong xim" to him or not. anyway , he always fail while doing so cause i really is 'diong xim' ttm for him & i'm so serious about it. lols.
okay , shall update again soon. :D stay tune ~
hahaha so cute!
thank you. :D he damn cute hors. bth ~ lols !
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